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Olympiades event ESIREM ODALID

Stroke of genius  Last Thursday the 16th of May, the annual competition of the Olympiades took place in the engineering school of Dijon Esirem, on the University of Burgundy’s campus. This 10th edition gathered young students from different high schools, who… Let’s go Olympiades !

Let’s go Olympiades !

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The hubspot of new technology lovers  Last Wednesday and Thursday, the major leading European event of IoT, artificial intelligence and robotics was organized happened in Lyon: the SIDO. Well known to be the trade hub of innovation, this fifth edition,… ODALID at the SIDO event !

ODALID at the SIDO event !

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Interface software logiciel contrôle accès ODALID

When you hear “access control”, the first words that come in your mind will probably be “safety”, “security”, “badge” or even “doors”. The reality however is far more complex than that: allow us to explain why !  You might be… Access control: what is it ?

Access control: what is it ?

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contrôle d'accès Xperience Park ODALID

 More practical and funnier  Last December, a new kind of parc opened its doors to the public in Mulhouse in France: Xperience Parc, where virtual reality technologies, plenty of collective or solo sports and other playful activities are offered, regardless how old you are ! ODALID worked alongside with Xperience Park to create and set… Xperience Park equipped with ODALID’s control of access solutions !

Xperience Park equipped with ODALID’s control of access solutions !

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ODALID test RCTIF ISO10373-6

Odalid is developing its own pre-qualification test tools RCTIF (Common Repository Telébillettique Ile de France). This test bench makes it possible to perform the analog tests : This test bench is composed :

RCTIF pre-qualification test tools

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