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Let’s go Olympiades !

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Stroke of genius 

Last Thursday the 16th of May, the annual competition of the Olympiades took place in the engineering school of Dijon Esirem, on the University of Burgundy’s campus. This 10th edition gathered young students from different high schools, who presented their works and innovative projects to a jury.

This year, the competition has been tough ! The students of different high schools gathered in the building of the Esirem engineering school in Dijon to compete and present their different innovative projects.

What was the programme ? Several workshops and projects presentation were organized inside the building of the ESIREM, many students alongside their attendants who presented their innovative creations and finally speeches of different companies directors and CEO. This tenth edition sponsored by EDF BFC was an opportunity for a well selected jury to assess and give a mark to the different projects that were led by the futur students in engineering. They have been working on their project since September, which represent approximately more than seventy hours to create, build and finish their jewel of technology.

This year, ODALID was a member of the selected jury who assessed the work of the students. The marks will allow the jury to select the lucky winners, who will be rewarded by going to Paris and present their project.

This edition showed us that the baton is now being taken up by a whole new creative generation of engineers and that their projects could be the next technological breakthrough of the next decade…who knows ?!

Olympiades event ESIREM ODALID
Olympiades event ESIREM ODALID
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