A new team for new projects

March 2019, if the vast majority of people already forget their New-year’s eve resolutions, well Odalid did not ! Here in Odalid, commitment is really important and we want to keep our promise of renewal in 2019.
Ten years after Vincent Thivent created his own company, Odalid keeps on growing and developing its solutions on the different market sectors of IoT, access control, presence control and ticketing. This year, the company will blow its tenth candle. The company’s owner decided to celebrate the event by recruiting a whole new team, mainly composed by interns : two students form the Technology University of Belfort – Montbéliard (UTBM), one student from the University of Burgundy (UBFC) and of course the company’s owner himself. In other words, a whole new fresh team ready to overcome the challenge of the technological market, which knows a steady growth.
Who are the new Odalid’s recruits ?
Commitment is one of the most important values within the company, and this is mainly why Vincent Thivent decided to take three students in order to develop the company. One of the main asset of this fresh team is that all the students come from different study fields : from engineering to communication and marketing, those three students aim to, not only complete their academic year, but also work all together as a strong team to develop Odalid. All that under the supervision of Vincent Thivent.
Baptiste Gilibert and Hugo Desvignes, both are students from the UTBM, a university specialized in technologies and engineering. They have decided to do their final internship in Odalid, where they will be working on different projects and bring their expertise.
Finally, Hakim Hdouch, a first year master’s degree student in International Communication Strategies in Dijon, will help to enhance the communication and marketing and promote the company’s solutions. In a nutshell, a fresh skilled team for innovative projects !