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For more than 10 years, ODALID has been providing its customers with its expertise and patented know-how in RFID and NFC technologies. As a partner in your innovation, ODALID has implemented a proven solution for highly secure access control. In… Read More »Access control

Access control

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IoT system odalid connected objects

The IoT and its perspectives  The market of IoT (Internet of Things) is still growing and has not reached its highest maturing phase yet, in terms of technological development, which may allow the entrance of connected devices on new market… Read More »The Internet of Things

The Internet of Things

Schema of the NFC technology used in ODALID for contactless devices

What is it ?  The Near Field Communication (NFC) technology made its first appearance in 2011 in France. Since then, this contactless technology is the most used in the market and in deferent sectors. Within your smartphone, credit cards for… Read More »The NFC, in or out ?

The NFC, in or out ?

Olympiades event ESIREM ODALID

Stroke of genius  Last Thursday the 16th of May, the annual competition of the Olympiades took place in the engineering school of Dijon Esirem, on the University of Burgundy’s campus. This 10th edition gathered young students from different high schools, who… Read More »Let’s go Olympiades !

Let’s go Olympiades !

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