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ODALID offers its badge readers to integrators, we are very proud to support them in their development by providing software stacks in the form of a library, the documentation is currently available on the here =>


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First day at Sido in good company with our partner Olof from Microchip Technology Inc.. I invite you to come and meet us at the O120 Espace Iot

ODALID first day at SIDO

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📣 ODALID will be present at the 10th edition of Sido stand O120! Come and discover our highly secure and made in France 🇫🇷 solutions for access control / timekeeping / energy optimization. Let me know if you are there… ODALID will be present at SIDO

ODALID will be present at SIDO

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Here are the first presentation slides, on the subject of hardware security and its use cases.A more than topical subject with the arrival of the CRA (Cyber Resilience Act)

Preparing for the CRA (Cyber Resilience Act)

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We can’t stop the miniaturization, 6mm2 to store the whole thing safely. It’s not worth the cost of depriving 😉 yourself of it. Here is a safe that allows you to store secrets and has a cryptoprocessor to secure your… Safe


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odalid controle dacces securisation authentification chiffrement lecteur de badge

The arrival of the Olympic and Paralympic Games and geopolitical instability are leading to an increase in cyber attacks. These cyber attacks often make us forget about physical attacks: anyone with physical access to your equipment (computers, servers, networks, etc.)… ODALID fights against cyber attacks

ODALID fights against cyber attacks

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