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ODALID readers find new applications 😀 they were recently used by one of our partners in the event industry for a leisure park.Its role ➡️ Create interactions with visitors, based on their profile. For an even richer user experience 😎

ODALID readers find new applications in the event industry

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We are happy to present its new website to you, on the program: detailed files, news and all ODALID expertise made in France 👍

New website

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Today, ODALID had the chance to welcome Caroline Chanlon and Lauren Loiseau from osanah communication and PIUma Conseil. And to benefit from their strong experience in communication and HR. Thank you for visiting, next session coming soon 😎

ODALID Communication & RH

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10 years ago, ODALID NFC readers flew to South Africa to make it possible to dematerialize consumers’ wallets. The advantages of this application were multiple: fully dematerialized payment during the event, speed of transactions and control of consumption. 👊🇿🇦

10 years ago, ODALID NFC readers flew to South Africa

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If you want to test the security of your access control system, ODALID is constantly innovating by creating a new electronic card to emulate contactless cards and badges.

[PENTEST] Access Contol