More practical and funnier

Last December, a new kind of parc opened its doors to the public in Mulhouse in France: Xperience Parc, where virtual reality technologies, plenty of collective or solo sports and other playful activities are offered, regardless how old you are !
ODALID worked alongside with Xperience Park to create and set up a whole equipement of access control. Main problematic: enable the client to access to the several activities that the structure offers without causing any inconveniences related to having to wear an access card, which is likely to be lost between two activities. This is exactly where ODALID came into play, which means to create a system of access control that not only allow the clients to access the different facilities, without being an obstacle to them while practicing their activities.
A practical and designed equipment

Needless to put forward that all the activities proposed by Xperience Park are mainly physical sports and activities and that an access card may be an inconvenience for trampoline, karting and collective sports lovers.
While collaborating with Xperience Park, ODALID has created a whole solution convenient for members and clients. The traditional access card put away, ODALID chose a NFC technology embedded in a bracelet (picture above), which authorizes the access to the facilities after the client checked in with a terminal at the entrance. This bracelet works together with the contactless portico installed inside the structure. inside the structure. A technological contactless solution valuable for the clients, who can from now on make the most of their time in Xperience Park thanks to the NFC at their fingertips…or wrists.