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Terms & Conditions



Capital: 150 000 euros 

Address: 14 M rue Pierre de Coubertin, 21000 Dijon, FRANCE 

Tel: +33 (0)3 73 27 09 10

SIRET: 515 266 039 00046

Name of the director, CEO : Vincent Thivent 


Our website is hosted in France by 


2 rue Kellermann

59100 Roubaix



The layout and each element that is on the website are protected by the legislation that protects intellectual property and belongs to Odalid or are allowed to be used. 

No elements on the website can be copied, reproduced, modified, reissued, loaded, denatured, transmitted, or distributed in any manner, on any format, partially or completely, without the explicit and written authorization of Odalid beforehand, except for press and media purpose provided with the enforcement of the protection of intellectual property legislation and any other kind of property protection legislation. 

Any representation (full or partial) of the website by any kind of process, without the authorization  of Odalid is forbidden and represent a bootleg punished by the articles L.335-2 and the legislation, intellectual property of Odalid reserves the right to sue any act of bootleg, regarding its intellectual property rights. 

The following mention has to appear on any authorized copy of the full or partial content of the website : « Coyright Odalid – All rights reserved ». Any authorized use of the elements that compose or appear on the website has to be done without any denaturing, modification or alteration in any way. 

Computing and rights and freedoms, terms & conditions 

Odalid informs the users of its personal data protection politics.

When one logs out of his own account, some user’s personal data may be conserved and stored confidentially by Odalid, in keeping with the legislation. The personal data collected can correspond to the data provided beforehand, once you first registered on the website, the number of visits, your IP address, and all the information provided by the use of cookies. 

This information will be specifically treated to manage the website, enhance the user’s experience on the website or for commercial and marketing purpose. 

The users are informed and accept that the personal data collected can be used for the data treatment purpose. 

In conformity with the law of the 6th January 1978 that concerns computers, folders, rights and freedoms, the automatized personal data treatment from the website has been subject of a declaration to the CNIL. 

Declaration number: 1930756

According to the law n° 78-17 of the 6th January 1978, the user can at any moment access to his personal data stored by Odalid , ask for modification or a cancelation request by contacting or by phone +33 (0)3 73 27 09 10. Thus, according to the article number 36, 39, and 40 of the law Informatique et Libertés, the user can ask to correct, to complete, to clarify,   to update or delete his personal data that are incorrect, not completed, equivocal, outdated or that the collection, the communication, or the storage is strictly forbidden. 

Terms & conditions 

Who are we ?

When you land on a page of our website, Odalid si fully responsible for the treatment of your personal data. The URL of our website is: 

Our headquarter is located in France, 14 M Rue Pierre de Coubertin, 21000 Dijon. Mr Vincent Thivent is the CEO of the company Odalid and is liable for the treatment of your personal data, all the questions related to the RGPD and also all the terms & conditions. 

The personal data that we gather and use: 

  • when you communicate with us by using your phone 
  • when you visit our website or our social media
  • when you send us letters and/ or emails
  • when you interact with us on social media
  • when you take an appointment with us

Which data does the company use ? 

  • The person in charge of the communication and marketing department within our company happens to use analysts products that gather global and anonymous data, especially when he has to analyse (back-office analyses) the website, all the CRM tools and also our social media. These statistical data (cited above) are used not only in order to enhance our website and customer experience, but also to know our visitors and client’s needs. 
  • The personal (named) data (mails, telephone numbers, profiles on social media), are used only for our marketing department and also to interact with the person involved. These data are gathered with the consent of the people involved (via phone calls, comments and personal message on social media and emails). 

How do we use your personal data ? 


If you post a comment on our website (if possible), you will be asked to register and give us little personal information (name, address mail). This process is only meant for your own comfort (in order not to fulfill your personal information once again when you post another comment). These cookies expire at the end of a whole year, from the moment you register. 

If you create an account (if possible on our website) and login, a temporary cookie will be created to determine if your navigator accepts cookies. This cookie does not contain any personal data and will be deleted automatically at the closure of your navigator. 

Embedded content from other website or sources

The website’s articles contain elements of other sources (videos, images, articles, quotes, GIF). If you interact with those elements, the outsources might collet your personal data as well by using cookies. 

How long do we store your personal data ? 

The personal data collected are used and stored for particle reasons. Those are stored and used indeterminately  with your consent for analytical and marketing purposes in Odalid . 

Your rights concerning your personal data 

If our website allows you to create an account or leave a comment or message, you have the right to ask a file with contains all of your personal data that we have stored, and also the information that you gave us. You can also ask for deleting all your personal data. This request does not include the data used for legal, security and administrative purposes. 

Sharing of your personal data 

The visitors’ comments are randomly checked and verified by an automatized service of indésirable comments. 

Promotion message and content 

We can use your personal data for marketing purpose, which includes sending promotion  campaign about our products (presentation of our solutions). Those promotion messages can’t be sent to you without your explicit consent beforehand. 


You can send us all your requests, queries and questions by email :, or call us +33 (0)3 73 27 09 10, or by sending a letter at the following address : 

I you have any questions or requests, please contact us first before contacting the CNIL.