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Accueil » Our values

Our values


We want this value to be the keystone of our relationship with our clients. Our mission : we aim to support and advise the best we can in your projects.


We have committed to offering you high quality electronic equipments and solutions, designed, controlled and certified by our experts.  


Social liability is a fundamental mainstay within our company. We are  involved in the academic field by transmitting our knowledges and experience in several university departments (ESIREM, UTBM). We are also fully committed to help our clients to take the best decisions in their decision process.


Our team is composed of contactless technology engineering experts. Their mission is to ensure the quality of our products and solutions. They are also willing to advise you when you have any queries.


We make sure to be aware of the different laws concerning technologies (personal data, contactless equipments, etc…) by carrying out a regulatory watch on a daily basis. We apply carefully all the restrictions to offer products and solutions that are in good  conformity with the legal decisions.


We stick to our promises and it has become an imperative within our company.