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ODALID member of AgenceNTIC and GA2B

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ODALID strengthen his local partnership with the renewal of his membership at the AgenceNTIC Bourgogne and join the cluster GA2B.

ODALID membre de l'Agence NTIC

The AgenceNTIC have for main task:

  • guide and stimulate the development of the use of TIc for the professional with multiple action (information, animation and awareness campaign) ;
  • make more attractive the local TIC sector and help to structuring them into a hub of activity ;
  • boost the raising of excellency hub starting from the company cluster.
ODALID membre du cluster GA2B

The GA2B cluster federate his member around collaborative project through 7 workgroups (see the the index “Action – Workgroup”) devoted to the renovation of industrial and tertiary buildings, autonomy and connected habitat, the quality of indoor air in buildings, to training, to the digital model and connected objects or the intelligent building.