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Accueil » ODALID’s news » Odalid at the CES 2014 in Las Vegas

Odalid at the CES 2014 in Las Vegas

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Within a mission organized by agenceNTIC and the CCI Bourgogne, Odalid went to theConsumer Electronics Show – CES 2014 held in Las Vegas from 7 to 10 January 2014.

This mission had for purpose to identify the great tendencies and innovations in term of numeric use.

And we can tell that RFID and NFC was in some point the stars of the year. The smart objects market with products like for example Mother de la société created the Nabaztag) and the entire village dedicated to the home automation and smart house make us think that RFID and NFC communications are just getting started.

To be continued in 2014 which is without a doubt the year of smart objects