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Accueil » ODALID’s news » Feedback : Conference / debate « connected objects » at ESIREM

Feedback : Conference / debate “connected objects” at ESIREM

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ODALID presents objects connected to the students of Gustave Eiffel high school and and high school Hippolyte Fontaine de Dijon (around 70 students), this conference permit to present the path of Vincent
Thivent CEO of the company, the principal connected objects presented to CES 2014, and an application to improve the safety of buildings. Students were able to see a practical demonstration of access control.

The second part of the day was devoted to industrial, the success was the appointment, as nearly 40 people attended the event. The folowing intervenant have presented

  • Gilles Caboche director of L’ESIREM;
  • Christophe Nicolle of the laboratory LE2I;
  • Robert Guyon director of l’Agence NTIC;
  • Vincent Thivent CEO of ODALID;
  • Julien Dubois of the laboratory LE2I;